2023 HELTA AGM and Christmas Party

Written by Sarah Plochl

On Saturday, 09 December, we had our AGM and Christmas Party.

At the AGM, observing the (forgive me) same procedure as every year, the committee presented the highlights of the year, the events, and finances of the HELTA year. If you’re a HELTA member but didn’t make it to the AGM, you can write to to receive the minutes of the meeting!

One of the most exciting agenda items of the HELTA AGM is always the election of the committee and this year, there was a major change. Earlier this year, I was approached by BESIG, the Business English teaching association of IATEFL, about becoming one of their Joint Coordinators. I decided to accept and informed the HELTA committee that I would not be standing for Chair again.

The HELTA committee this year has been working hard at reviewing the old structures of the way HELTA is run, and figuring out which structures and processes ought to be changed so that the team can work together in the best possible way. As a result of this process and in light of me leaving, the committee researched, prepared, and proposed a change of the HELTA statutes (Vereinssatzung) allowing that two people could stand together for dual leadership of the HELTA Committee.

I am overjoyed to announce that the proposal of the committee was accepted at the AGM and that my wonderful colleagues George Arping and Vincent Wongaiham-Petersen have been voted in as Co-Chairs of HELTA! Congratulations, you two! I know you will do a brilliant job!

In further joyous news, our long-standing, trusty Treasurer Wilton Mills is continuing and now has an official Treasurer-in-Training by his side in Nick Wild. Our rising star Rosie Siemsen, who joined the committee last year, is continuing on and has taken on the role of Co-Coordinator for Events along with the creative mastermind Anette Igel – Welcome to the committee, Anette! And last, but definitely not least, I’m happy to wish Claudia Whitney another wonderful year as HELTA’s Chief Events Hostess!

Andrew Moore has stepped down as Membership Secretary. On behalf of everyone at HELTA: thank you, Andrew, for your many years of guarding our members’ data, manning our registration desks, and bringing your wonderful self to our community!

After the AGM, we enjoyed an excellent Christmas party with delicious food and fun games. You can see some of the photos below!

Looking at this new team, I have no doubt now that I can lay down my work at HELTA in good conscience. The only item left on my HELTA to-do list before I put my feet up is to wish you a wonderful time working together. HELTA is a beautiful community with the spirit of support, creativity, and curiosity that our fantastic membership brings. I know that you’ll do a wonderful job at continuing to take care of this community. Can’t wait to see you at the next event!

From Sarah with Love

You can contact HELTA on the contact page.