Members' Day 2019
A quick review of this year’s Members’ Day from HELTA Chair Sarah Plochl:
What a great day we had! After an inspiring plenary by National Geographic Education’s Timothy Phillips, we had a day full of great talks by our members, on topics ranging from fairy tales to wind turbines. I can’t remember another training day I attended with such a wealth of creativity and fresh ideas all in one room!
In the words of our member and first-time Members’ Day presenter Greta Denk:
I would like to say how much I enjoyed the day and came back full of new thoughts and ideas. Thanks to all of you who organised such and inspiring day.
Thank you, Greta. The committee couldn’t agree more!
We’re already looking forward to next Members’ Day and hope that we’ll get even more proposals then. All of you have tons of ideas worth sharing, as you are constantly demonstrating in your contributions at HELTA.
See here some snaphots of the day.