English at work – a HELTA conference for in-company teachers in northern europe

  • September 1, 2018
  • 16:00
  • Berufliche Schule für Medien und Kommunikation (BMK), Eulenkamp 46, 22049 Hamburg

The event

Global firms are increasingly adopting English as their main language for internal communication. Their employees may already have a good knowledge of general English, but still need to fine-tune their language skills for their professional area (logistics, HR, etc). This need not be complex, and could be something as simple as giving instructions or sharing ideas as part of an international team; visiting branches or offices in other countries; or simply talking the talk at social events after the working day is done. This conference in Hamburg, Germany’s biggest port and considered by many to be a hub of Northern European trade, aims to address teaching issues in the nordic region.


Ian Badger (Plenary),Sara Bruun, Ben Dobbs, Paul Dummett, Jim Faulkner, Evan Frendo, Andreas Grundtvig, Susan Holden, Michelle Hunter, Liz Joliffe, Bill Mascull, Wilton Mills, Simona Petrescu, Rob Szabó, Suzanne Vetter-M’Caw, Helen Waldron, Julie Wallis, Mandy Welfare and Vincent Wongaiham-Petersen


To qualify for Early Bird fees below, registration must be completed by 19 August. All fees include lunch at the BMK:

HELTA Members and members of IATEFL associated TAs in Germany. 20 EUR
Non members: 50 EUR
Registration and one year membership of HELTA: 60 EUR
Speakers: No charge

Late registration (after 19 August):
Stiil possible though we can no longer guarantee lunch.

To register please transfer the fee that applies to you to the following account:

Bank name: Postbank Hamburg
IBAN: DE82 2001 0020 0010 5632 06

Important: Please give the following details in the reference/Verwendungszweck
on the bank transfer form:Participation EaW event on 1 September 2018 “name”

Once you have completed the payment please write to Andrew Moore, Membership Secretary at:

Should you require a receipt for tax purposes, please contact Wilton Mills, Treasurer, at

Please note that after 19 August, any fees will not normally be refunded.

HELTA Events

HELTA workshop with Mike Budden
  • July 13, 2024
  • 17:00
  • Stadparkvereinshaus (Sierichsches Forsthaus) Otto-Wels-Straße 3 22303 Hamburg
HELTA Stammtisch Social
  • June 12, 2024
  • 18:30
  • LüttLiv pub
HELTA Idea and Good Practice Swap Shop
  • May 4, 2024
  • 11:00 to 13:00
  • Online (Zoom)
HELTA Stammtisch Social
  • April 10, 2024
  • 18:30
  • Kemp's English Pub
HELTA workshop with Rachel Appleby
  • November 18, 2023
  • 11:00 to 15:00
  • Stadtpark-Verein Hamburg e.V.

You can contact HELTA on the contact page.